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Ohhh, Sweet Chickens!! Raising little feathery friends!!

So, you've found your land or even maybe just want a couple of backyard Chickens to supply eggs. That's awsome. Let's talk about some things that have been good and bad about raising chickens.  Chickens for the most part are a great starter animal when you first begin your self sufficient life. Realistically, they manage themselves and are pretty self resilient. However, they have yet to figure out how to get their own water!  Chickens breeds! We currently have 26 chickens, considered a small flock. 24 hens and 2 Roosters. Even with this small of a flock we have integrated different breeds. There are currently Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, Plymouth Barred Rocks, Buff Orpington, Silver Laced Wynodettes, Black sex Links, and black austrolops.  Living in Iowa with our constant changing weather, chosing a breed was based off extensive research in what breed can handle our harsh winters and hot summers.  I encourage you to do your research on the different...

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